The ROAD that I'm taking
WHERE it's leading me to
WHERE it's taking me
WHERE it's leading me to
WHERE it's taking me
or WHERE the final destination is
I do NOT know
Do people have their ROADs pre-determined
or do they make ONE themselve
I do NOT know
I continue to WALK on this ROAD
Why am I on this ROAD?
Is this really my ROAD?
Will my DREAMs come true if I continue to WALK on this ROAD?
What am I really DREAMing for?
Who is this DREAM really for?
Will I be able to finally SMILE when I reach the goal?
WHERE am I heading right now?
and what is the REASON for me to LIVE?
Is this PATH really destined for me?
Will my DREAMs come true at the END of this ROAD?
I do NOT know
Yet, I'm still FOLLOWing this PATH today
I do not usually regret making decisions
because I know I have to live to my fullest
Struggles and Doubts often come along the journey
I do hate myself for such mistakes
I questioned myself million times:
WHY I'm here?
WHAT is this path leading me to?
WHEN it will end?
WILL I be able to smile at the end?
I do NOT know
I'm still living here
far away from my comfort zone
walking the PATH
be it right or wrong
I just HAVE to...